
Taskhelper is a dynamic Android application that allows for "wizard" style applications to be defined using JSON and synced with the device in the form of a ToDo list. There is also a server side component that handles the synchronisation and data storage.


The project uses Maven to build things, and takes the form of a multi module maven project.

Development was done using Eclipse, and guidelines found here: http://www.workreloaded.com/2011/09/android-build-automation/ were followed to get Eclipse, ADT and maven playing nicely together.


In order to package the apk for release, you need to configure a few things

First, create your key following the instructions at http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html#cert

Then create a profile like this


in your settings.xml file in ~/.m2

Once this is done, you can create a production version of the apk with the following command:

mvn clean install -P release

which will in turn sign and zipalign the apk.